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Nicholas N Chin v Legal Practice Board of WA

Courts not to avoid the litigation of three issues so that justice is seen to be done: 1) Pseudo Board 2) Pillaging by solicitor with a zero sum false debt claim. 3) Recognition of the falsification of court records This Gordian Knot will free me for independent law practice again

Thursday, October 21, 2010


My ref: CIV1981 of 2010 & CACV41 of 2010.

October 20, 2010

The Chairperson
The Legal Practice Board
Mr. Shung Kee Neoh, Legal Officer.
5th Floor, Kings Building, 533 Hay Street                                                      
Telephone: (08) 6211 3600; Facsimile: (08) 9325 2743

Dear Sir                                          FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION


I refer to the above matter and to my facsimile letter to you dated 11.10.2010.  I would now like to clarify the following:

a)      Upon my study of the relevant sections 12, 13 and 14 of the Legal Profession Act, 2008 and the Table of r. 5(2) of the Legal Profession Regulations 2009, my mind is now clearer as to my past mistakes in representing myself as a “barrister and solicitor” in my court documents and correspondence through using my stamp which has these words.
b)      I was always arguing the point that I would be entitled to use as my title “barrister and solicitor” because I am an Australian lawyer who had been so admitted by the Supreme Court of Western Australia and my name has not been struck off the roll for any professional misconduct or unprofessional conduct.
c)      I now realize that although I am still an Australian Lawyer who has not applied for a current practicing certificate due to the conditions restraining my status as an independent legal practitioner; I am only entitled to use the title “Lawyer” to my name.
d)      When I spoke last to your legal officer Mr. Shung Kee Neoh on 11.10.2010, I found that he is a kindly person and as a result I asked for his help to clarify this confusing matter of my being prosecuted for my having allegedly representing that I was entitled to be engaged in legal practice pursuant to subs.13(1) of the Act.  I would now like to retract my earlier statement that Mr. Shung said that the Board would resile from prosecuting me further as it is not quite accurate. 
e)      What I intended to say in that letter was that Mr. Shung said  that he agreed to try and help me to seek and persuade the Board to re-consider its position to prosecute me further provided I write a written confirmation to the effect that I will refrain from the subs 13(1) representation in future. 
f)       I must say that I have a genuine belief that I was entitled to represent my son as his counsel in the duress-handmaid case of CIV1112 of 2007 due to the mandate that I received from the learned Justice Hasluck on 17.6.2009 to the effect that I could protect my son in all the Prerogative Relief Proceedings to its final conclusion in my capacity as a lawyer with my son being inactive and being absolved from appearing in court and his bearing no responsibility even though his name is included as the Second Defendant. 
g)      I take it to mean that the Prerogative Relief Proceedings instituted by me include the duress-handmaid case instituted by Mr. Thies to intimidate my son and to facilitate the sham compromise which only has my son as a party because it affects my son’s home that was being unlawfully caveated by Mr. Thies who had no caveatable interests.
h)      The difficulties of removing the caveat were exacerbated by Mr. Thies refusing to loosen his grip on this strangle-hold clogging of Paul’s equity for a very long time.  This finally led to the Second Judge ordering its removal without a consequential costs order in June, 2010 and despite this, Mr. Thies continue to threaten my son for his legal costs for the removal of that Caveat and this caused my son to become ill again when he returned to Malaysia sometime in July, 2010.
i)        Before I embarked on preparing the Chamber Summons in my name purporting to act for my son Paul in that duress-handmaid case, I wrote to both the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Western Australia as well as the LPCC informing it of my decisions to so act and I should have received a reprimand if I was not so entitled.  I am sorry for all the mistakes that have occurred so far.

j)        My defence to the subs.13(1) representation is that I was labouring under a mistake to a non-strict liability offence by virtue of the existence of the words “rebuttal presumption” in subs.14(1) of the Act.

k)      I have since appeared before Justice Newnes of the Court of Appeal in my CACV 75 of 2010 and have been granted leave to amend my Appellant’s Case so that it is confined to the issues of the Security Orders Judgment dated 17.6.2010 and the Mandate Exclusion Decision Judgment of the duress handmaid case dated 13.5.2010 by His Honour Justice Kenneth Martin. 

l)        His Honour is the second judge in the s.36(4) Magistrates Court Act, 2004 proceedings under circumstances when the First Judge, His Honour Justice Hasluck had already granted his Review Order in the Prerogative Relief Proceedings in subs.36(1) of the Act.  As such, the Second Judge should have adopted a normal approach by exercising his discretion to withhold the Prerogative Relief only if there are justifying circumstances and His Honour erred in his jurisdictional excess in that he was reasonably apprehended to be biased against me in the second stage of the Prerogative Proceedings for which I had to make repeated oral and written calls for his recusal which was noted by the Court of Appeal. 

m)    Further the Second Judge erred by taking into account irrelevant considerations and ignored the pointed given by the First Judge as to how the future proceedings should have been proceeded with having regard to the fact that Mr. Thies did not obey Justice Hasluck wishes that that Show –Cause Affidavit should have been complied with timeously so as to enable the mediator Registrar Rimmer to perform his job satisfactorily.  It so transpired that the Show Cause Affidavit did not comply with the requirements of Justice Hasluck, particularly it did not confine itself to the core issues of why the legal costs had been found to be unreasonably escalated disproportionately in terms of the solicitor cost agreement having been terminated timeously and in terms of the pre-contractual emails that have passed between the parties.  Instead a lot of red herrings had been introduced in the Show-Cause that was intended to mislead the Second Judge and it did mislead His Honour.        

Yours faithfully


Saturday, October 2, 2010


Your ref: CIV 1877 of 2010 & CIV1981 of 2010.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

The Principal Registrar
Mr. Keith Frederick Chapman
Supreme Court of WA Stirling Gardens,
Barrack Street
Tel: 08 9421 5302  & 9421 5333
Fax: 08 92218350

Dear Sir


I refer to the above matter and my attendance at the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Western Australia at Perth this morning when I was serviced by Racquel.  Further, I would like to state the following:
a)             I am presenting my NOTICE OF MOTION dated 30.9.2010 in 2 pages applicable to both the cases and my Affidavit in Support of it sworn the day in 22 pages.
b)             Racquel retained a set of those documents for CIV 1981 of 2010 but requested me to file by faxing a similar set of those documents for filing in CIV 1877 of 2010 to Fax No. 08-9221 8350.
c)             Racquel requires this procedure for filing those two sets of documents in those two cases on the ground that although the judgment of Justice EM Heenan in RE JUSTICE KENNETH MARTIN; EX PARTE CHIN [2010] WASC 212 heard on 4.8.2010 and delivered on 11.8.2010 is a consolidated judgment of those two cases, in fact these two cases have not yet been consolidated into one case.   Therefore two sets of these documents would have to be filed for each of the two cases into their respective files kept at the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
d)             The procedure for filing this Notice of Motion dated 30.9.2010 together with my Supporting Affidavit is prescribed for by Registrar Eldred in her letter to me dated 29.7.2010 as contained in page 16 of the my Affidavit sworn 30.9.2010.  
e)             The prescription affects CIV 1877 of 2010 but should similarly affect CIV 1981 of 2010 in so far as its purpose is to enable me to make an Application for a Court of Appeal Justice to hear both the judicial review cases for prerogative remedies instead of Justice Heenan hearing them because His Honour is of the same rank as Justice Kenneth Martin and Justice Chaney of SAT.  
f)             Therefore there is an admission by Justice Heenan that he had no authority to dismiss a similar application for judicial review for prerogative orders in CIV 1019 of 2010 which has now been appealed to the Court of Appeal in CACV41 of 2010.   

Please therefore find the following documents attached for the purpose of fax filing CIV1877 of 2010 as the documents
for CIV1981 of 2010 have already been accepted for filing by Racquel:
i)                     Application in CACV 107 of 2008 which contains bullet point No.2 as requested for by Racquel in one page.
ii)                   Form 2 Application by me for waiver of fees for CIV 1877 of 2010 in 5 pages.
iii)                  NOTICE OF MOTION dated 30.9.2010 in 2 pages.
iv)                  My Affidavit in Support of the NOTICE OF MOTION sworn 30.9.2010 in 22 pages. 

Yours faithfully  

Registrar Eldred, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of WA Fax: 9421 5471
This letter only is sent to you for you to take note of sub-para.(f) above.  His Honour Justice Heenan had admitted in his judgment delivered on 11.8.2010 that he had no jurisdiction to deal with CIV 1019 of 2010 which became my current Appeal in CACV 41 of 2010.